The Mint has made 15 billion (and counting) circulating coins since the introduction of decimal currency in February 1966.
Learn more about current circulating coins.
Back in the day, the Mint also made One and Two Cent coins. These were made right up until 1990, then eventually withdrawn from circulation in 1992.
How coins get into circulation
How many?
The forecast demand by banks determines how many coins are issue into circulation. The number of coins and denominational mix varies year on year.
Where do they go?
At the Mint, we issue the coins on behalf of the Treasury (the Commonwealth) directly to the banks.
The coins end up in your pockets, purses, wallets, cash tills, couches, supermarket trolleys, parking meters, piggy banks and anywhere you can find current currency.
Is there a coin afterlife?
Banks remove coins from circulation when they are damaged and no longer fit for purpose. These coins are sent back to the Mint to be recycled for their metal.
Using Coin Designs
If you would like to use Australian coinage designs, please refer to the Mint's Copyright and re-use of materials policy.