A visit to the Mint at the Royal Queensland Show – it’s highly rEKKAmended!

Image of the b counterstamp mintmark

The Royal Queensland Show (Ekka) is one of Queensland's largest annual events, held over ten full days at the Brisbane Showgrounds, and this will be its 140th show.

We are headed to the Ekka with the mobile coin press in tow. Visitors will be able to strike their own coin with a ‘B’ for Brisbane counterstamp on a 2017 $1 Uncirculated Coin commemorating the centenary of the Trans-Australian Railway.

Located at stand JRP 041 in the John Reid Pavilion, the Mint will also have a selection of its latest coin releases for purchase.

Royal Queensland Show (Ekka)
JRP041 in the John Reid Pavilion
Brisbane Showgrounds
Booth times: 9.00 am – 6.00 pm
Friday 11 August – Sunday 20 August 2017

You can view the Ekka map here: www.ekka.com.au/

Please note that EKKA opening hours may vary.

Image of the b counter stamp mintmark