Life in Space! Understanding and exploring our universe – a Talk and Coin series - SOLD OUT

Image of Life in Space event on Tuesday 31 October 2017

***SOLD OUT ***

The Royal Australian Mint has teamed up with the Australian National University Research School of Astronomy & Astrophysics to officially launch a new product and discuss intriguing questions like: Can humans really survive in space? Is there life elsewhere in our Solar System?

These are just two of the questions that will be explored in a fascinating night of space exploration.

Life in Space! Understanding and exploring our universe – a Talk and Coin series

The event will feature four engaging talks from the following scientists:

  • Associate Professor Penny King, geologist Mars expert – Exploring Mars with rovers
  • Dr Emma Tucker, specialist in space medicine – Can humans survive living in space?
  • Associate Professor Charley Lineweaver, a world expert in cosmology, planets and aliens – Is there life elsewhere in our Solar System?
  • Dr Brad Tucker, astrophysicist – Planet 9: What lurks at the edges of our Solar System?

There will be time for a Q&A session at the end of the speaker sessions.

This special event will be the first opportunity for the public to purchase the Planetary Coins Ten-Coin Collection and people coming along will also have the opportunity to win 1 of 5 throughout the event!

Watch the coin set come to life in the Mint’s unboxing video here:


Bookings essential as spaces are limited.

  • EVENT DATE: Tuesday 31 October 2017
  • VENUE: Coombs Theatre, Australian National University
  • EVENT TIME: 6.00 pm for 6.15 pm start

For more information please email or phone 02 6202 6999

Bookings will be essential and available through Eventbrite as spaces are limited.

Facebook event: