This year the Royal Australian Mint’s Roadshow, Bushrangers – The Bold, the Bad and the Ugly commemorates some of Australia’s most notorious bushrangers. As Australia’s colonies developed, bushrangers roamed the countryside: some were anti-establishment heroes to the common people, whilst some were forced into a life of crime. Although feared, Australia’s wild colonial Bushrangers also sparked a legacy of art and folklore, that continues to shape our nation’s psyche, and helped to create the myth of the Australian ‘larrikin’. The Royal Australian Mint recognises the significance of the lasting impact that the bushranging era has had on Australia, including its role in shaping Australian art, literature, music and culture.
Check out Australia’s Wild Colonial Bushrangers, when The Bold, The Bad and the Ugly Roadshow comes your way
When and where?
Date: Wednesday 8 May
Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Location: Quadrant Mall
Event: Facebook Information
Date: Thursday 9 May
Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Location: Marine Plaza
Event: Facebook Information
Date: Saturday 11 May
Time: 9.00am to 4.00pm
Location: Elizabeth Street Mall
Event: Facebook Information
Available at the Roadshow:
Full details of products and coin swaps available at the roadshow will be announced closer to these events.
Where to next?
In June the Roadshow will be visiting Queensland, stopping in Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg and the Sunshine Coast . Finalised dates and venues will be announced here and through our social media channels soon.
Additional dates and locations for The Bold, the Bad and the Ugly Roadshow will be announced in the coming weeks. Visit the Mint’s Facebook page for the most up-to-date information.