The Great Aussie Coin Hunt, brought to you by Australia Post and the Royal Australian Mint, gives you the chance to collect a set of 26 collectable $1 coins, featuring classic Aussie icons from A-Z, at a participating Post Office.
To celebrate the launch Australia Post is bringing a special experience to the Mint.
Join us for fun festivities celebrating all things Australian. on Thursday 10 October join us at the Mint for the following:
Australia Post pop-up stand
Australia Post giveaways and prizes
Mix 106 FM - Live broadcast
Mint Scavenger Hunt
Live performers
Mint Prize draws
Rotary Club BBQ
Best dressed competition
and much more...
When: Thursday 10 October
Time: 10:30am to 2:30pm
Where: Royal Australian Mint, Denison Street, Deakin ACT
Cost: FREE
Age: Everyone is welcome!