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Media Releases

'Futuristic' coin captures radiance of the outback


A new coin produced by the Royal Australian Mint uses futuristic technology to bring the colours of the outback to life.

The coin represents the 'Finale' of the Mint's Year of the Outback series and was officially launched at the Mint by the Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, Senator Ian Campbell, today (Monday 16 September).

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Special awards to Australian athletes for world record breaking results at the 17th Commonwealth Games


The Royal Australian Mint announced today that it would present a special award to each Australian athlete who broke a world record at the Commonwealth Games in Manchester. The award, in the form of a plaque, will show the athletes name, event and details of the new record.

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Northern Territory's floral emblem issued on a gold collector coin


The Royal Australian Mint will release on 16 July 2002 the 8th coin in its FLORAL EMBLEMS OF AUSTRALIA series featuring the Northern Territory's emblem, Sturt's Desert Rose. The Floral Emblem will be struck on solid gold collector coins of two different dimensions; one coin will contain ? ounce and the other 1/3 ounce of pure 24 ct gold.

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Commemorative coins to be issued for 60th anniversary - Battle of Sunda Strait (28 February - 1 March 1942)


Senator Ian Campbell, Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasurer, said "These beautiful coins are a fitting commemoration of this epic battle and serve to honour those brave crew members of both the Perth and the Houston, some of whom are still with us today, who fought valiantly against overwhelming odds".

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Flagship coins recall forgotten "Dove's" first landing


A long-forgotten 17th Century ship that brought the first known Europeans onto Australian shores is finally being remembered thanks to the Royal Australian Mint.

The little-known Dutch scout ship Duyfken (the 'Little Dove') is one of four ships which helped set the course of Australia's early European history to feature in a silver Crown size proof coin set.

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Fiftieth Anniversary - Accession of Queen Elizabeth II


The Royal Australian Mint will release at the end of February two precious metal Collector Proof Coins to commemorate the Accession of Her Majesty to the Throne in 1952. The first coin is a 1oz (31.1036 grams) pure (99.99%) Gold coin with a face value of $100. The twelve-sided (dodecagonal) pure silver coin has a weight of 18.24 grams and a face value of 50 cents.

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