Legal Services Expenditure

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2023-24

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2023-24, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel

$ -

Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total value of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid 10% off panel allowance

$ -

Total value of professional fees paid exemption from AGD

$ - 

Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to gender X counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to gender X counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid 



Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2022-23

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2022-23, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure

$ -

Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel

$ -

Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total value of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid 10% off panel allowance

$ -

Total value of professional fees paid exemption from AGD

$ - 

Total External Legal Services Expenditure

$361, 477


Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to gender X counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to gender X counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid 


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2021-22

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2021-22, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total value of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid 10% off panel allowance


Total value of professional fees paid exemption from AGD


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to gender X counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to gender X counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2020-21

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2019-20, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


 Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2019-20

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2019-20, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2018-19

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2018-19, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2017-18

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2016-17, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2016-17

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2016-17, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2017.


Total (External + Internal) Expenditure


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Summary of External Legal Services Expenditure

Total value of briefs to Counsel


Total value of disbursements (excluding counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total value of professional fees paid


Total External Legal Services Expenditure



Total number of direct briefs to counsel


Total number of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total number of briefs to counsel


Total value of direct briefs to counsel


Total value of indirect briefs to counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to male counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to female counsel


For information only: Total value of briefs to counsel


Professional Fees

Total value of professional fees paid


Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2015-16

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2015-16, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2015-16. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2014-15

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2014-15, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2014-15. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2013-14

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2013-14, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2013-14. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2012-13

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2012-13, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2012-13. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2011-12

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2011-12, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2011-12. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2010-11

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2010-11, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2010-11. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2009-10

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2009-10, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2009-10. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2008-09

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2008-09, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


Total number of Counsel briefed


Total number of Counsel direct briefed


Total value of Counsel briefs


Total of disbursements (excl Counsel)


Total of professional fees paid


Total Internal Legal Services Expenditure


Total Costs Recovered


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2008-09. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2007-08

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2007-08, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total legal services expenditure inclusive of GST


Total external legal services expenditure


External expenditure on solicitors inclusive of GST


External expenditure on counsel


Other disbursements on external legal services


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2007-08. All amounts are GST inclusive. An increase of $208,000 in expenditure compared to 2006-2007 is related to Capital projects.

*No internal legal advice

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2006-07

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2006-07, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


External expenditure on solicitors


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2006-07. All amounts are GST inclusive.

Royal Australian Mint Legal Services Expenditure 2005-06

This is a statement of legal services expenditure by the Royal Australian Mint for 2005-06, published in compliance with paragraph 11.1(ba) of the Legal Services Directions 2005.


Total Legal Services Expenditure


Total External Legal Services Expenditure


External expenditure on solicitors


Explanatory Notes
The above details represent accrued expenditure figures for legal services provided in 2005-06. All amounts are GST inclusive.