
CIT Coin Designs - Vote for your favourite!

The Royal Australian Mint is currently holding an exciting student coin design exhibition in the main gallery and you are invited to come and vote to help us find the best design. Graphic Design students from the Canberra Institute of Technology (CIT) had to present two coin designs as a part of thier 2012 Commemorative Coin Design Class Project, a joint CIT and Royal Australian Mint initiative.

The exhibition runs from Friday 24 June until Friday 22 July 2011. Visitors to the Mint are able to view each student's coin design and vote on which one they like the best.

2011 Royal Wedding 20c Coin Swap Terms & Conditions

Royal Wedding 20c Circulating Coin Swap (Promotion)

1. By participating in the Royal Australian Mint Royal Wedding 2011 20c Circulating Coin Swap Promotion (Coin Swap), entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Information on how to enter the Coin Swap promotion forms part of these conditions.

2. The Coin Swap promotion commences on Friday 29 April 2011 from 10.00am -10.00pm or until 15,000 have been swapped.

3. The Coin Swap promotion is only available to persons present at the promotion site, Custom House Circular Quay on 29 April 2011.

Earth Hour at the Mint

The Royal Australian Mint is proud to observe Earth Hour again this year, and will be turning off our lights at 8:30pm on Saturday 26 March 2011.

Earth Hour is a global sustainability movement organised by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and is a global call to action to stand up, to take responsibility, and lead the global journey to a sustainable future.


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