
Rock ‘n Race Competition

To celebrate Supercars selecting the track ‘Realize’, by iconic Australian rock band AC/DC, as its 2021 theme song, the Mint is giving you the chance to WIN one of five 60 Years of Supercars Collections, signed by Mark Skaife, Jamie Whincup and Craig Lowndes.

Simply purchase any AC/DC or Supercars coin in May and you’ll be in the draw to WIN.

Secure your entry today AC/DC: Supercars:

The Royal Australian Mint will not be attending the 2021 Brisbane Money Expo.

The Mint has yet to confirm the date for resumming the roadshow schedule and coin swap activities, however we do plan to get back on the road in 2021.

Once the Mint confirms any events/schedule, it will be communicated to our customers via electronic marketing, corporate website and social media avenues.

Easter Opening Hours

The Mint’s call centre be closed on Good Friday and Easter Monday. If you would like to place an order during this time, please visit the Mint’s online store.

While the factory will not be in operation over the Easter long weekend, we are pleased to offer our shop, tours, exhibitions and interactive features to give our visitors many varied ways to experience the Mint and discover our stories.

Upcoming Releases – 1 April 2021

Get out your calendar, pop up a post-it note or ask friend to remind you of these exciting new releases, available to order Thursday 1 April 2021.

2020 $5 Selectively Gold-Plated Bimetallic Coin – Australian Paralympic Team RRP $325
2021 $2 ‘C’ Mintmark Coloured Uncirculated Coin – Indigenous Military Service RRP $15

Full details and images will be available 1 April 2021.

Also available in April

12 April 2021
2021 $1 1oz Silver Investment Coin – Fraser’s Dolphin

2021 Baby Set Colouring Competition

-=Children’s Competition (16 and under)=-

2021 Baby Set Colouring Competition.

Have you seen the cute and cuddly Australian friends on our 2021 Baby Sets?

How would you decorate them?

Colour-in the attached activity sheet for a chance to win a 2021 Uncirculated Baby Coins Year Set to give to a new baby this year, or to add to your collection.

Scanned entries can be sent to by Monday 1 February 2021.


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